The heroes and heroines of my books spend a lot of time inside my head, and by the time each manuscript is done, I feel like I know them almost as well as I know my own family members. Some writers like to call their characters their “imaginary friends,” and I think that’s a pretty accurate description!
As I’ve prepared to send Tiffany Girl out into the world, I’ve tried to help you get to know the main characters from the book. That’s why I’ve shared things like my character quiz and bookmarks these last few weeks. But somehow, it felt like something was still missing. I can’t duplicate what it’s like for characters to live inside your head, so I thought I'd do the next best thing: I'll give you a little bit deeper peek at Flossie Jayne and Reeve Wilder, the main characters from Tiffany Girl.
Flossie Jayne drawn by artist Monica Bruenjes who rendered artwork on Flossie's behalf for Tiffany Girl and signed it as such.
Flossie Jayne
Though Flossie was born in Newport Beach, Virginia in 1871, she only lived there for four years before her packed their bags and headed out to the Big Apple.
Once in New York, Flossie’s father quickly established his barbershop and her mother found success by making the most beautiful, elaborate dresses for the wealthy women in New York’s high society circles. Because they had some extra money coming in from the sewing business (and because Flossie was an only child), Flossie’s parents were able to dote on her and allow her to enjoy lots of luxuries that her friends could only dream of. She visited art galleries, went on fun day trips with her parents, took up art as a hobby and wore beautiful clothes designed by her mother. Flossie was the apple of her parents’ eye. Because of that, she thought of herself as a “special snowflake” -- something that challenges her quite a bit on her journey through Tiffany Girl.
Reeve Wilder
Reeve, unfortunately, didn’t have the same kind of upbringing that Flossie did. When he was just four years old, his mother came down with tuberculosis and passed away soon after. He was then raised by his grandparents, who were lacking in the affection department (hard to imagine, right? I always expect grandparents to be full of love and hugs, but not these two). Despite his tough childhood, he grows up and begins to want a home of his own -- somewhere he knows he finally belongs. This makes him an advocate for traditional family structures, and he’s pretty skeptical of “New Women” in general, and Flossie in particular. To say she irks him is an understatement!
Do you know anyone in real life who reminds you of Flossie or Reeve? Give me the scoop over on Facebook!
Reeve Wilder drawn by Flossie (aka artist Monica Bruenjes).