Each member of our family took a personality test based on Taylor Hartman's The Color Code. I like it so much better than the Meyers-Briggs for a couple of reasons. Meyers-Briggs has 16 categories, The Color Code has four. Meyers-Briggs tells us how the personality types act, The Color Code explains why.
The Color Code breaks down everyone into four basic color groups:
1. RED: The annoying bossy types
2. BLUE: Moody artists
3. WHITE: Unmotivated layabouts
4. YELLOW: Party animals
That's obviously an oversimplification, but your color explains the motivation behind your behavior. And your color is not something learned, it's something you're born with. Though I mentioned the weaknesses of the personality types above, there are also many positives attached to each color (for example, Reds are fantastic, natural-born leaders).
At RWA I was having lunch in Orlando with NYT bestselling author Kristan Higgins when Goofy happened by. We stopped for a photo op.
To find out what color you are, click here and take a free 15 minute test (you don't have to sign up for email lists or anything). At the end of the test, you'll find out what color you are. I'm a yellow. Take a peek at what motivates me (everything is spot-on except for the "uncommitted" part ... I'm very, very committed and very, very loyal).
Each person also has, of course, a strong secondary color. Mine is Red. So, the red in me is constantly trying to train the yellow in me! Ha. My overall pie chart indicated that I was:
1. 60% party animal
2. 30% annoying bossy type
3. 9% moody artist
4. 1% unmotivated layabout
To find out your secondary colors, you have to pay for it, though. :(
This is bestselling author Tamera Alexander and me when we were both nominated for a RITA (which she won, the dog--I've never let her forget it, either!!) :)
In this one I'm at RomCon and they had a big cardboard replica of a book cover with a hole where the heroine's face went. I got behind it and poked my head through.
In our family, we have 2 reds, 2 yellows, 1 blue and 1 white! No wonder things were always in an uproar around here! :) Anyhoo, take the test and leave a comment telling us what color you are!