I am constantly spouting off malapropisms. Just a few days ago, one of you caught me saying I was going to "button down the hatches" instead of "batten down the hatches." So embarrassing. *sigh* For fun, my son, his wife and I tried to come up with a bunch on our own. Here are eight from the list we made.
Note: a proper definition of malapropism is waiting for you at the bottom of the list, but chances are you'll have guessed the definition by then.
1) Barry the Hatchet
Malapropism: Barry the hatchet
Correct Phrase: Bury the hatchet
2) Mock My Words
Malapropism: Mock my words
Correct Phrase: Mark my words
3) Don't Take Me For Granite
Malapropism: Don't take me for granite
Correct Phrase: Don't take me for granted
4) A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moths
Malapropism: A rolling stone gathers no moths
Correct Phrase: A rolling stone gathers no moss
5) Self of Steam
Malapropism: Self of steam
Correct Phrase: Self esteem
6) Check Your Knee-flexes
Malapropism: Check your knee-flexes
Correct Phrase: Check your reflexes
7) Bowl in a China Shop
Malapropism: Bowl in a china shop
Correct Phrase: Bull in a china shop
8) Bump Beds
Malapropism: Bump Beds
Correct Phrase: Bunk Beds
Yep, you guessed it. Malapropisms are the mistaken use of a word in place of a similar sounding one, often with an unintentional amusing effect. What funny malapropisms have you said or heard? Let me know here, on my Facebook page, or tweet me @DeeanneGist!