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There's nothing quite like starting a new book.  The suspense, the questions, the excitement.  You crack open that book and...


1. You get a whiff of that amazing "book smell" when you crack it open.



2. You have to try to keep track of the different characters until you get used to who is who.

Rebecca is dating David, who is cousins with Cynthia, whose father is Billy, who has a friend named Chuck...


3. You feel a little lost when something happens and it hasn't been fully explained yet.

I know this is foreshadowing, but I want to know what happens now!


4. You're overwhelmed and excited when you see how much of the book you still have left to enjoy.

Still 300 pages to go!


5. You stay up all night reading and don't finish until it's time to go to work.

Is it just me, or does it get better the later in the evening it gets?


Can you relate to any of these?  I'd love to know which ones!  Let me know here, on my Facebook page or on Twitter @DeeanneGist!

International bestselling author, Deeanne

In Need of a Book?

Deeanne's TIFFANY GIRL was rated as a *MUST READ* by USA Today!